Festival Foods Announces Matching Gift Program to Help Food pantries, Animal Shelters


Festival Foods has announced it will match up to $25,000 of funds donated to its Food for Neighbors and Paw Away Hunger programs through June 30.

The grocer began Food for Neighbors in 2004, followed in 2008 by the addition of Paw Away Hunger to help animal organizations in the state. Both programs offer shoppers a chance to purchase $5 or $10 donations, which are passed along to area nonprofits that have partnered with Festival Foods.

Festival Foods also announced its added the ability for guests to give online to Food for Neighbors and Paw Away Hunger through Click N Go, Festival Foods’ online shopping program. Both in-store and online donations will count toward the match.

Food for Neighbors and Paw Away Hunger have raised over $2 million to date, with donations in 2019 of nearly $240,000. One hundred percent of all donations to these programs stay in the communities where they were collected. Currently in Wisconsin, 40 food pantries and 30 Wisconsin animal organizations benefit from the two programs.

“Small donations can add up to a huge impact, and these organizations need our help more than ever during these difficult times,” said Mark Skogen, president and CEO of Festival Foods.

To find out more about ways that Festival Foods supports the communities it serves, visit the Festival Foods Community Involvement.

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Author: News Desk

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