Festival Foods Donates Supplies to Pet Shelter


Through its Paw Away Hunger program, Festival Foods provided another much-needed donation of supplies to Marshfield Area Pet Shelter.

The donation included many bags of cat food, cases of Tide and Mr. Clean, garbage bags, scrub brushes, and other supplies to help the shelter carry out its daily duties.


Donations come from shoppers at Festival Foods who use the $5 and $10 donation cards located near the registers to make a contribution during their normal grocery run. The program, in place since 2008, raised $71,855 for 30 animal organizations in 2018.

“Every generous donation we receive helps us save money for other daily necessities. If we didn’t have thoughtful donors willing to provide these ‘in kind’ supply donations, we would have to purchase them ourselves,” said Karen Rau, volunteer Executive Director.

“Festival’s quarterly donations through their Paw Away Hunger program saves MAPS thousands of dollars a year!” she added. “That’s a lot of money that can be used elsewhere to help animals.”

“For all of us here at Festival our pets are part of our families – and nothing in life is more important than family,” said Store Director Marty Chy. “We are so proud to be able to help MAPS with the important work they do in our community.”

MAPS is currently designing a permanent shelter and is housed in the old airport terminal on W. 29th, also operating an Adoption Center inside Marshfield Mall. Visit www.marshfieldpetshelter.org for more info and to donate.

News Desk
Author: News Desk