Festival Foods Farmers Market To Welcome Back Non-Food Vendors

2019 market

Non-Food Vendors Return to Market

Marshfield (OnFocus) – With COVID concerns addressed for non-food sales, Festival Foods will be welcoming back all non-food vendors at this Saturday’s Farmer’s Market. This includes crafts vendors, for example.

“Starting on Saturday June 13th we can have our non-food vendors back at the Farmers Market,” said store manager Marty Chy. “Up until then, it has been limited to food, food plants, and soap. We are very happy to see this change, and know that it means a lot to these vendors and also to our community who shop the market.”

The COVID-19 guidance for vendors on spacing, masks, and sanitation are still in effect.

To comply with the state’s order, vendors at Festival Foods’ farmer’s markets must follow these guidelines:

  • No food samples can be offered; ready-to-eat food must be pre-packaged
  • No seating for people to eat purchased food
  • No self service of unpackaged food, except for fresh produce
  • Must have a hand washing station at booths that prepare ready-to-eat foods
  • No items can be sold that are other than food, except for soaps and food plants
  • No music, promotions or pets can be shown at booths in an effort to discourage groups from gathering

Vendors also must:

  • have their booths face outward
  • have 6 feet between vendors to allow customers and vendors to maintain a safe distance
  • be free of any COVID symptoms as determined by the CDC
  • wear a face mask at all times
  • provide sanitizer solution or disinfectant wipes to clean and disinfect all surfaces before the market begins and high-touch surfaces during market hours
  • provide a temporary hand sink or sanitizer
  • provide single-use bags to customers
  • use single-use gloves where needed; gloves may be worn up to four hours

Visit the Festival Foods Farmer’s Market in Marshfield on Saturdays and Sundays from 8:00am – 1:00pm at 1613 N Central Ave.

News Desk
Author: News Desk

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