Festival Foods ‘Paw Away Hunger’ Program Valuable to Pet Shelter

Donations through the Paw Away Hunger program provide valuable supplies for Marshfield Area Pet Shelter.

Donations Stay Local to Marshfield Area Pet Shelter

Since 2008, Festival Foods’ ‘Paw Away Hunger’ program has provided valuable assistance to non-profit animal shelters like Marshfield Area Pet Shelter (MAPS). Shoppers donate by purchasing $5 and $10 donation cards in the pet and canned vegetables aisles and at each front end register, and all donations stay in the communities where they are collected.

“Helping out the pet shelter is something near and dear to all our hearts here at Festival,” said Marty Chy, Marshfield store director. “It’s important to our associates and also to our guests. We are happy to help the shelter with the important work they do in our community.”

Last week, the store donated a truckload full of much-needed food and litter to the MAPS shelter, which is currently challenged with 80+ animals in need of assistance.

“So many shelters, including MAPS, are overwhelmed right now with cats and kittens. This supply donation could not have come at a more needed time!” said Karen Rau, MAPS Board President. “As a community-driven organization, we rely on help from others and we are always thankful and inspired when people care about the work we do for homeless animals.”

Rau added that the fundraiser is especially helpful because Festival Foods allows MAPS to ask for specific supplies based on current needs.

“Festival Foods’ generosity is another example of community support and for that we are eternally grateful to them and all their customers who support their Paw Away Hunger program,” she said.

Festival Foods supports 35 animal organizations in Wisconsin and donated $73,920 in 2017. 100 percent of donations stay local to the community where the donations were raised.


Festival Foods Shoppers Donate Nearly $167,000 to Food Pantries, Animal Organizations in 2017

News Desk
Author: News Desk