Festival Foods to Host Annual Plant Blowout

festival foods plant sale

Festival Foods’ annual Plant Blowout will take place starting this weekend, but the event will be a bit different this year.

“In past years, this was primarily a one-day event. To spread out the guest traffic this year, the special pricing will be good as long as supplies last,” said Marty Chy, Store Director. “Also, in prior years we would have had a lot of staff outside to assist guests and also to allow for outdoor cashier stations. This year all purchases will need to be made inside the store.”

Available plants will arrive Saturday, May 9, with a variety of assorted blooming and hanging baskets. This will also be the start for special pricing.

“This year, more than any other before, mom needs flowers,” said Chy. “Prices are great, quality is outstanding, and these plants are perfect to brighten up your outside landscaping.”


Visit Festival Foods at 1613 N Central Ave to participate in the Plant Blowout.

News Desk
Author: News Desk

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