Fifth Positive Coronavirus Case Confirmed In Clark County


The Clark County Health Department (CCHD) is confirming that there is now a fifth positive case of Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) in Clark County. This individual does not have a history of travel and is not a contact of any of the four previous cases; making it the first confirmed instance of community spread in Clark County. The CCHD is conducting an investigation of the newly identified case and is following-up with others with whom this individual had close contact.

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the term “community spread” or “community transmission” means that the source of the infection is unknown. It occurs when a person’s disease cannot be traced back to a specific individual—indicating that the infected person was likely infected within his or her own community.

“Over the past few weeks, we have witnessed the community transmission of COVID-19 across the United States and across Wisconsin. Unfortunately, we are now seeing that community spread here in Clark County as well. Again, I cannot stress enough that it is extremely important for all residents to follow Governor Evers’ Emergency Order #12 (the Safer at Home Order). This means staying at home and limiting travel to essential travel only,” said Brittany Mews, Clark County Health Department Director/Health Officer.

Essential travel includes leaving the home only to: purchase essential supplies; seek health care; purchase medical supplies or prescriptions; travel to an essential workplace; or travel to care for a child, dependent, or elderly person.

Essential supplies include groceries, gas, and other items needed to maintain a safe home. Shopping trips should be done once per week or less. Plan ahead, making a list of needed items and limit your time in the store to reduce your risk. Always practice social distancing (6 feet or more) and hand washing/sanitizing after shopping.

“The Coronavirus pandemic is a continuously evolving situation. We need every person to do their part to help limit the spread of COVID-19,” Mews added.

For additional updates and resources, residents are encouraged to monitor the Wisconsin Department of Health Services (DHS) and CDC websites for the latest information and guidance.

News Desk
Author: News Desk

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