‘Fill Hackman for Legion Baseball’ Night Set for Thursday, July 11th


MARSHFIELD, WI (OnFocus) – Legion Post 54 Baseball is excited to announce “Fill Hackman for Legion Baseball” night this Thursday, July 11th. This special event will honor and recognize the generous support of the program’s sponsors.

“We’re proud to be a sponsor of Legion Baseball,” said Mary Jo and Daniel Wheeler of Wheeler’s Family Auto Group. “It’s a great community activity.”

“As a credit union, we’re all about community,” said David Murphy, President of MMCCU. “Part of that involves giving back and supporting local causes – and this is a fun one to support both financially and in-person!”

The evening will kick off with a junior game at 5 PM, followed by a senior game at approximately 8 PM. Attendees can look forward to free entry, delicious food and drinks, and a variety of exciting raffles and giveaways.

“We encourage everyone to share this event with their employees, coworkers, family, friends, and neighbors. Let’s come together as a community to fill Hackman Field and show our support for our local baseball players and sponsors,” said Mike Schade, Post 54 Legion Baseball Board President.

For more information about our Legion Baseball Post 54 check out our website www.marshfieldlegionbaseball.com.

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News Desk
Author: News Desk

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