Final Collection Dates Set for Yard Waste and Leaves


Marshfield – Advanced Disposal will be collecting yard waste and leaves for the last time in 2019 during regular garbage pickup, November 4-7, 2019.

All yard waste and leaves must be enclosed in “Kraft” brown paper bags or a reusable container. Please note: a reusable container is defined as any container constructed of metal or plastic with a capacity not exceeding 30 gallons, a loaded weight of not more than 50 lbs., a tight fitting lid and handles of adequate strength for lifting.

A cardboard box is not considered a reusable container to hold yard waste or brush.

Residents living in City of Marshfield residents may also drop off yard waste, brush and branches 24/7 at no charge at the compost site located at 18th St. and Hume Ave., Marshfield.

More than 50 percent of the annual amount of phosphorus in urban storm water can come from leaves in the street. When it rains, storm water flows through leaf piles in streets, creating a “leaf tea” that is rich in dissolved phosphorus. This “leaf tea” travels through storm sewers, making its way to lakes, rivers and streams.

Too much phosphorus can lead to toxic algae blooms, low oxygen levels and green murky waters, none of which are good for animals living in the water or recreation. The United States Geological Survey (USGS) is completing a study to determine the effectiveness of various street leaf removal efforts in reducing phosphorus in water.

A few tips for leaves:
1. Safely remove leaves from the street in front of your home before it rains.
2. Follow the City’s guidelines for leaf collection or recycle leaves on your property.
3. Remove leaves and debris from storm drains.

News Desk
Author: News Desk

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