Find Last-Minute Christmas Gifts at Marshfield Mall on Dec. 14


Shopping Event Includes Santa Visit and Dance Performance

If there’s still a few things to check off on your Christmas list, it’s time to head to Marshfield Mall for a “Last-Minute Christmas Gift.”

The shopping event will feature 22 crafters and vendors on Saturday, Dec. 14 from 10-5 p.m., a Santa visit with professional photo session, a cookie walk, and a performance by the Universal Dance Academy at noon.

“There’s a little for everyone,” said Stephanie Henning, Special Events Coordinator.
Vendors will have a range of items including artwork, greeting cards, candles, Christmas decorations, unique signs, and jewelry. Additionally, shoppers can find familiar names like Pampered Chef, Mary Kay, Avon, Scentsy, and Jacob’s Ladder CBD, among others.

Kids can get their pictures taken with Santa from 12-4 for a $15 digital print with all proceeds going to charity.

The event will take place from the World Buffet to the former JC Penney space. Stop by the Marshfield Mall to browse and select gifts for family and friends.

A Last-Second Christmas event will take place Dec. 21 from 10-5 p.m.

News Desk
Author: News Desk

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