Fire and Rescue Department implements new fee schedule for 2023

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MARSHFIELD, WI (OnFocus) – After a thorough review by the City of Marshfield Fire and Rescue staff and the City’s Finance, Budget and Personal Committee (FBP), the Marshfield Fire and Police Commission (FPC) and the Common Council recently approved changes to the fee schedule for services provided by the Marshfield Fire and Rescue Department.

The purpose of the changes in the fee schedule is to ensure that Fire and EMS identified all costs associated with its activities, including overhead, to determine the true cost of providing various services, as well as indirect costs attributable to enterprise and other chargeable funds.

Changes in the fees will be for fire re-inspections, false alarms, motor vehicle accidents, structure and vehicle fires, vehicle and vehicle extrication.  “Much of the budgetary issues we are currently facing are due to a variety of factors such as limited State aid, decreasing State shared revenue, and tax levy limits versus increasing costs of personnel, equipment and operations.  It’s imperative we made changes to our fee schedule so we can continue to provide our services at the high level our community expects and deserves,” said Fire Chief Pete Fletty.

Additionally, Fire and Police Commissioner Steve Meeks recommended at the FPC, October 13, 2022 meeting the fee schedule is reviewed by the commission on annual basis to keep up with inflation.

The department has 36 sworn positions as well as an administrative associate that operate out of a single station. Along with covering fire protection and other services for the City of Marshfield, the department provides advanced life support, emergency medical services transport for Marshfield and 13 other municipalities surrounding the city, for a combined population of about 32,500 people. The department also provides advanced life support intercepts for all of the basic life support and advanced emergency medical technician services that transport into the city of Marshfield. In addition, the department contracts with Marshfield Medical Center to provide inter facility transports to and from their facilities.

Please see the new fee schedule on our City website under services, here.

  • Submitted by City of Marshfield

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