Fixed Stray Cats Are Easily Identifiable

Courtesy of The Fix Is In on Facebook.

MARSHFIELD, WI (OnFocus) – When finding a free-roaming cat, an ear tip is an easy way to identify whether the cat has been fixed or not. Ear tipping doesn’t mean the cats are homeless but instead, means they are spayed or neutered.

This also means there will be no more kittens born of these free-roaming cats. When finding a cat, you can either check for a microchip if its ear is not tipped, or you can call ordinance control. A cat without an ear tip could be someone’s cat or could be a stray that should be spayed or neutered.

If the cat’s ear is tipped, leave the cat unless it appears lost, injured, hungry, etc. They are likely free-roaming cats and are functioning fine on their own.

If you own a cat, be sure to get them microchipped so they are not confused for a stray! The Fix Is In hosts clinics in Wausau every month to help pets and animals get spayed and neutered. Learn more at

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