Fore Roger Alzheimer’s Fundraiser Helps Local Families

Frank Winters with a golf team. Submitted photo.

Marshfield, WI (OnFocus) Alzheimer’s disease affects an estimated 5.7 million American and is the 6th leading cause of death among all adults, according to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention.

The family of Roger Arnoldy, who passed away in February 2012 from Lewy Body Dementia, decided to do their part in helping those affected by the disease by organizing the 2nd annual Fore Roger golfing fundraiser on July 17.

Golfers experienced great weather and were able to meet former Packers players Frank Winters, Bill Ferrario and Scott Tolzien.

The Fore Roger event, hosted by Marshfield Insurance, is a continuation of the successful Fore Bill event which raised funds for scholarships in memory of Bill Allen.

“When that one was coming to a close, we saw the window to maybe do something for Dementia and Alzheimer’s,” said Nick Arnoldy, Roger’s son.

Scott Tolzien with volunteers. Submitted photo.

The first event in 2018 attracted 100 golfers and raised just under $20,000. Proceeds from the event go towards a Marshfield Clinic Health System Foundation fund to assist families affected with Alzheimer’s and Dementia, provide capital for research, and help purchase medical supplies.

While this year’s tally is not yet official, Arnoldy said it’s safe to say the two events together have raised $35,000 toward the cause.

The event will continue to return annually as a way to honor Roger and make a difference locally. “We plan on continuing doing it as long as we have the support from the community to help battle Alzheimer’s and Dementia,” Arnoldy said.

Fore! Golf Fundraiser for Alzheimer’s Changes Hands

News Desk
Author: News Desk

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