Former Congressman Dave Obey Endorses Dr. Brian Ewert for Congress


Former 7th District Congressman Dave Obey endorsed Dr. Brian Ewert’s attempt to unseat Sean Duffy.

“After much thought, I have today decided to endorse Marshfield Dr. Brian Ewert for the Congressional seat I once held,” said former Congressman Dave Obey in his public statement.

“Dr. Ewert’s candidacy to run against Congressman Sean Duffy will provide a crystal 
clear choice between a politician who for 8 years has demonstrated that he knows 
nothing about America’s health care system, except how to wreck it, and a thoughtful,
 caring doctor who has a clear understanding of the health care problems that patients 
face and how to fix them,” said Obey.

Congressman Dave Obey represented Wisconsin’s 7th Congressional District in the
 House of Representatives for 42 years. The longest serving member of Congress in 
Wisconsin history, Obey was a key leader in Congressional reform efforts and chaired
 the House Appropriations Committee. Throughout his career, he has been a leader of
 progressive forces on issues including worker rights, education, health care, medical
 research, environmental protection and international relations.

News Desk
Author: News Desk