Fourth Life-Saving LUCAS Device Donated to Fire & Rescue

A diagram showing the target area for chest compressions on the LUCAS device.

All four ambulances at the Marshfield Fire & Rescue Department will now be equipped with a life-saving LUCAS 3 device, thanks to another anonymous donation from a local couple.

The LUCAS device is a lightweight tool able to fit into a backpack that provides automatic chest compressions to a patient in accordance with American Heart Association Guidelines for CPR (cardiopulmonary resuscitation). It ensures quality, consistent movements to maintain blood circulation in patients.

“These are a wonderful tool for us,” said Deputy Chief Jody Clements.

The device is used when the heart has stopped beating or isn’t pumping sufficiently enough to circulate the blood. Once secured on a patient, it frees up a person to be able to help the patient in other ways, such as setting up IV access, connecting paddles to get a tracing of what’s going on with a patient, or packaging the patient to continue transport if needed.

With a 911 service area of 314 miles, rescue personnel can face a long commute to the emergency room.

“The CPR standards out there right now are very specific, and very fast…CPR in itself is something that is very physically demanding, and while transporting a patient, it is difficult to do,” explained Clements. The LUCAS device automatically ensures the right rhythm and depth of chest compressions.

The budget resolution to purchase the device was passed at Common Council on Feb. 26. With a new ambulance expected in October, the department hopes to eventually equip a 5th device.

News Desk
Author: News Desk

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