Free Energy Saving Products Available to Marshfield Utilities Customers


MARSHFIELD, WI (OnFocus) – Focus On Energy has been providing Wisconsinites with free, energy-efficient products since 2011.

The organization provides thermostats, water products, lightbulbs and other utility-related products for a discount on their website to help encourage utility customers to keep energy-efficient products in their homes.

Focus On Energy provides one free pack of products per year per household. They include: LED lightbulbs, a water-saving shower head, pipe insulation, advanced power strip and water-saving faucet aerators.

There are also extra products available at a discount and currently, you can get $75 off a smart thermostat through March 31.

When checking out with the products you’d like, you will need your utility company and account number information.

The program is open to customers of 107 utility companies in Wisconsin. You can find out if your company is a part of the program here.

According to Focus On Energy, this program is funded by the participating utility companies.

“Focus on Energy is Wisconsin utilities’ statewide energy efficiency and renewable resource program funded by the state’s investor-owned energy utilities and participating municipal and electric cooperative utilities,” the Focus On Energy website says.

If your utility company is helping to pay for this program, why not take advantage of the program and get your free pack every year? Check it out here.

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News Desk
Author: News Desk