Free “Mobocracy” Event to Take Place Thursday


Marshfield (OnFocus) – A free community event, “Mobocracy: The Cultural and Political War to Destroy Our Republic Under God,” will take place on Thursday, August 13 at the 2nd Street Community Center in Marshfield.

“Our goal is to have one event every month to bring in interesting speakers that share a conservative viewpoint that is often ignored in the media today,” said Mary Carney, “This event will feature two young conservatives, Jack Duffy and Amelia Burk who have encountered bullying and ridicule on high school and college campuses because of their beliefs. They are part of an organization called Young America’s Foundation.”

The event also features speaker Dr. Jake Jacobs, a history professor who has written numerous books including “Mobocracy.”

“The sequel to Mobocracy has just been submitted to his publisher,” said Carney. “Dr. Jacobs travels throughout the country speaking to young Americans about the amazing foundation of our Republic.”

Carney said that anyone is welcome to attend, including “those interested in hearing from conservatives about what is happening today in schools and universities and how the liberal minded mobs are taking over campuses and cities today.”

“This event is incredible timely as we see the destruction of mobs in Madison to Chicago to Portland to Washington D.C.,” she added. “We are in the midst of chaos and criminal destruction of public property and communities which is costing people not only their livelihoods, but in some instances, their lives as well.”

Snacks and drinks will be provided at the event, which starts at 5:00pm and is expected to go until 7:00pm.

“These events are open to everyone; we just ask that they come with an open mind and respect for our guests to Marshfield,” said Carney.

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News Desk
Author: News Desk

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