Friends of the Marshfield Dog Park Donates $5,000 to Pet Shelter


Marshfield, WI (OnFocus) The Friends of the Marshfield Dog Park presented $5,000 to Marshfield Area Pet Shelter on Friday, Dec. 20 toward the building of a permanent facility.

MAPS broke ground in August at its future location at 3500 Downwind Drive and is about 85 percent to its fundraising goal of $1.5 million.

“Their donation is helping us reach our goal,” said Karen Rau, MAPS Executive Director. “Given that the dog park actually was instrumental in getting MAPS started eight years ago, this really means a lot to us.”

Phillip Mauritz, president of Friends, said the funds were raised through beer concession sales at the Central Wisconsin State Fair and at first were earmarked for a second dog park.

“We’re not going to do a second park, so we decided to use the money instead of just letting it sit there,” he said.

Donations are still being accepted toward the building fund through Marshfield Area Community Foundation. Those who donate over $1,000 will be be honored on the Giving Wall in the new lobby.

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