From Scalds to Electrical Burns: New Campaign Spotlights Hidden Dangers in Everyday Life


From Scalds to Electrical Burns: New Campaign Spotlights Hidden Dangers in Everyday Life

Thanks to a recent study, Kevin McManus Law discovered that hidden dangers in American homes put families at an increased risk for preventable burn injuries every day. If homeowners don’t know what signs of wear and tear to look out for, they may find themselves dealing with the physical, emotional, and financial fallout of an otherwise avoidable accident.

We want to help families take steps to avoid devastating burn injuries in the years to come. That’s why we’re launching our campaign to educate the public about the conditions in their homes that can lead to life-changing accidents. We believe that the more people know about burn injuries, the more steps they can take to protect themselves.

Today’s burn injury accidents can stem from a wide range of sources, but their core cause is the same: negligence. A defective HVAC system or space heater can cause a spark that catches flammable objects alight. Children who don’t know the dangers of InstantPots may have to be rushed to the hospital with severe and devastating burns.

The data revealed in this recent study suggests that 75% of today’s burn injuries occur in private residencies and apartments. Men make up 66 percent of accident victims, although children and infants are at particularly high risk for severe injuries, especially when left unsupervised in a kitchen or around unsecured space heaters.

These accidents tend to stem from exposure to fire, electrical failures, and the mishandling of dangerous chemical cleaners. Accident victims also report being scalded by hot liquids or stove accidents.

There’s no way to stay on top of everything going on in your home at once, but there are steps that the average homeowner can take to minimize their and their loved ones’ risks of burn injuries. Before purchasing a home or moving into an apartment, a new resident can ask a professional inspector to take a closer look at the residence’s wiring.

ing wiring problems early makes it easier to avoid outlet failures or fires when the weather starts to turn. Likewise, residents can take steps to protect their outlets or powerstrips by refusing to overload them.

We also recommend that homeowners:

  • Never leave infants or young children unattended in an active kitchen
  • Keep an eye on space heaters or other heating elements while they’re active
  • Control fires or exposed flames
  • Keep fire extinguishers on standby in high-risk areas like the kitchen
  • Regularly change their HVAC filters to limit the risk of a dust fire
  • Use oven mitts while cooking
  • Unplugging appliances before essential repairs
  • Refer to chemical cleaners’ safety instructions and limit children’s access to them

“It’s horrifying to realize how many burn injuries occur in private residences,” says a representative from Kevin McManus Law. “At the same time, though, it’s enlightening. 

“Now that we know that today’s accidents tend to be the result of faulty appliances and common household chemicals, we can encourage families in our area to protect themselves from preventable injuries.”

Our campaign will continue to spread awareness about the steps today’s homeowners and residents can take to reduce their risk of a burn accident. Unfortunately, even the most cautious of homeowners can find themselves the victims of a fire if a wiring problem slips by unnoticed or if an accident gets out of hand. 

That, however, is where Kevin McManus Law comes in. We encourage burn accident victims to reach out to our team for the support they need to start recovering from a recent accident.


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David Keech
Author: David Keech

David Keech is a retired teacher and works as a sportswriter, sports official and as an educational consultant. He has reported on amateur sports since 2011, known as 'KeechDaVoice.' David can be reached at [email protected]