From the Braintrust: High School Sports Postseason: A Time for Fans to Demonstrate Class and Respect


~ From the Braintrust ~

High school sports are about competition, the opportunity to work on achieving goals and becoming the best you can be, preparing student-athletes for the real world of work, family and being part of their community.

WIAA Post Season Tournament WEBSTREAM Links

High school sports are NOT about disrespect and rude behavior. All too often, however, we see instances of fans getting out of control.

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True fans appreciate the work student-athletes and coaches put into their sport, and enjoy supporting their favorite teams. When the game, match, meet, event etc. doesn’t turn out the way you hoped, that’s life. Disagreements on calls by officials are inevitable, it’s part of sports.

What doesn’t have to be part of sports, however, is when ‘fans’ go over the line and resort to comments and behavior that shows a lack of class and respect for the game, officials and competitors.

As we move through tournament time here in Wisconsin, let’s all remember to keep things classy.

Cheer when things go your way. Boo if you disagree with a call, it’s your right. Be respectful and show class, though, without resorting to comments that attack.

The WIAA Sportsmanship Message, ready before every contest, includes the following:

The WIAA and all of its member schools welcome you and encourage good sportsmanship at ALL athletic events. Good sportsmanship is the responsibility of all in attendance. Profanity, racial, sexist, ethnic comments or intimidation acts or words will not be tolerated and are grounds for removal from this competition site. Please be a role model for those seated around you.

As Mark Twain famously said: “It is better to keep your mouth closed and let people think you are a fool than to open it and remove all doubt.”

Be a fan of the game. Enjoy the competition. Show class and respect.


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College Athlete Roundup! We want to recognize student-athletes from the area who are competing at the college level. Send us information on college athletes from the area with our simple form HERE

Where are they Now? We feature athletes and difference makers from the past, standouts in sports who excelled over the years and have moved on. Know of a former athlete, coach, or difference maker who we should feature? Know of a former standout competitor whose journey beyond central Wisconsin sports is one we should share? Send us information on athletes and difference makers of the past with our simple form HERE

Baked or Fried! We also feature difference makers throughout central Wisconsin: coaches, booster club leaders, administration, volunteers, you name it. Send us your nominations for who you’d like us to interview HERE

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David Keech
Author: David Keech

David Keech is a retired teacher and works as a sportswriter, sports official and as an educational consultant. He has reported on amateur sports since 2011, known as 'KeechDaVoice.' David can be reached at [email protected]