Fundraising for Marshfield Outdoor Aquatic Center Reaches $1.26 Million

Marshfield Outdoor Aquatic Center rendering

Marshfield, WI (OnFocus) Fundraising for the Marshfield Outdoor Aquatic Center to replace Hefko Pool continues to move forward.

Public donations have reached $1.26 million, said Parks and Recreation Director Justin Casperson, during Tuesday’s Common Council meeting.

“Our goal is still $3 million. We’ll continue to work over the next few months and throughout the summer on accomplishing that goal,” he said.

Donations from the public will be matched dollar for dollar by the City of Marshfield, which also approved an additional $500,000 for soft costs last November.

Engineering and architectural services are near completion, meaning the bid could go out quickly if a large donation is received, Casperson told the Council.

The completion of the aquatic center was slated for summer 2021, depending on the completion of fundraising and timing of the bid. “If you want to get advantageous bidding, you usually do it in the first quarter of the year, which would be about March 1 for us,” Casperson told OnFocus.

Since the fundraising goal has not yet been reached, it’s difficult to say if that summer opening might change until the project goes out to bid and that process begins, he said. Fundraising will continue until the goal is met.

“We’ll move forward as fast as we can, and whatever is the most cost-effective way that we’re going to get favorable bids,” Casperson said.

Those wishing to contribute to the project can contact Marshfield Area Community Foundation or the Parks and Recreation Department.

Council Delays Sale of 8th and Hemlock Property, Approves Challenge Grant for New Pool

Take a Virtual Tour of the Marshfield Outdoor Aquatic Center

News Desk
Author: News Desk

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