George Heil Named ProVision Partners Employee of the Month

provision partners george heil
George Heil

MARSHFIELD, WI (OnFocus) – Congratulations go to George Heil for being named the ProVision Partners Coop “Employee of the Month” for April. Heil works in multiple departments throughout the year to include feed, grain, and agronomy.

His greatest attribute is his ability to train and mentor those pursuing a CDL.

“During the past two months, George has volunteered to work on the weekends and late at night to accommodate these employees work hours in order to ride with them and prepare them for the CDL driving test and pre-inspection,” said Dawn Krueger, ProVision Partners. “Under his tutelage, George has generated four new CDL drivers for the cooperative.”

The Coop thanks George for the outstanding training and for all that he does for the cooperative.

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