Go Milk: Aerial Image Promotes Dairy Industry



Photo Credit: Emmett Meissner

(OnFocus) Norm-E-Lane Farm in Chili is giving a special shout-out to the dairy industry by plowing “Go Milk” in the farm field.

“I actually put that on my license plate on my pickup truck a couple years ago,” said Josh Meissner, owner. “It got a lot of attention.”

Meissner mentioned the idea of writing something in the field to his son Emmett, who encouraged him to go forward with it. His handiwork took just ten minutes to complete, but resonated with those who saw the aerial photos taken by Emmett.


“I like doing things like this. We don’t do it enough, but it’s a very important to get positive images out there of the industry and in dairy farming, and what we do,” said Meissner. “The guys are out there working very hard right now.”

Meissner is a third-generation dairy farmer whose grandparents founded the family farm west of Marshfield. Today, the farm has grown to 2,500 cows and 5,000 acres of crops.

News Desk
Author: News Desk
