Gov. Evers Announces Rainbow Pride Flag to Fly Over State Capitol Honoring Pride Month


MADISON — Gov. Tony Evers today announced that the Rainbow Pride flag will be raised over the Wisconsin State Capitol during the month of June in recognition of Pride Month. The Rainbow Pride flag will fly over the East wing of the State Capitol building beginning at 1 p.m. on Fri., June 5, 2020, and ending at sunset on Tues., June 30, 2020.

“Wisconsin is a proud state that recognizes that diversity makes our communities and our state stronger,” said Gov. Evers. “I am proud to once again celebrate the diversity and resiliency of the LGBTQ community this Pride Month and to share this symbol of our commitment to continue to do the work needed to create a more equitable, just, and inclusive state for all.”

The raising of the Rainbow Pride flag marks the second time the flag will fly over the Wisconsin State Capitol. Gov. Evers’ Executive Order #29 ordered the flag to fly over the State Capitol building for the first time in Wisconsin state history in June of 2019. Individuals and members of the press interested in watching the raising of the flag at the State Capitol building on Friday are encouraged to maintain social distancing and wear masks to help prevent further spread of COVID-19.

As was the case last year, the Rainbow Pride flag will not disrupt other flags that regularly fly over the State Capitol building. The U.S. flag and Wisconsin state flag will continue flying on the East wing flagpole above the Rainbow Pride flag. The POW-MIA flag will continue flying on the North wing flagpole as it does every day.


An unsigned copy of Gov. Evers’ Executive Order #78 can be found here.

News Desk
Author: News Desk

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