Governor Evers approves purchase of firefighting equipment for Central Wisconsin Airport


Governor Tony Evers approved $50,000 to purchase firefighting suits and gear for Central Wisconsin Airport in Mosinee.

According to Lucas Ward, P.E., airport development engineer with the Wisconsin Department of Transportation (WisDOT) Bureau of Aeronautics, the firefighting equipment is specifically designed to fight aviation fires.

Funds from the state and Portage and Marathon counties will be used for this project.

Funding Breakdown
o State = $40,00
o Portage and Marathon counties = $10,000

The equipment will be purchased by July 2019.

Airport improvement projects are administered through the WisDOT Bureau of Aeronautics. Central Wisconsin Airport is one of 97 facilities included in the Wisconsin State Airport System Plan, which makes it eligible for state and federal funding.

News Desk
Author: News Desk

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