Governor’s Council on Workforce Investment Submits Budget Recommendations


MADISON –The Governor’s Council on Workforce Investment (CWI) provided Governor Tony Evers its budget recommendations today on key workforce investments that will help Wisconsin employers find the skilled talent that they need while providing resources, training, and reskilling for workers to access in-demand careers.

CWI is a state level workforce board required under the federal Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) to advise the Governor on goals and strategies that align Wisconsin’s workforce needs with its economic development. CWI is made up of business leaders, state legislators, local elected officials, representatives from educational institutions, community-based organizations, and labor representatives from throughout the state. The Department of Workforce Development (DWD) provides staff support to CWI.

β€œI’m grateful for the work of the Council and Chairman Mark Tyler for his continued service,” said Gov. Evers. β€œThese are critically important issues, and I look forward to reviewing the Council’s recommendations.”

CWI established three working groups to discuss, research, and collaborate with partners

on the workforce development needs and best practices of their areas: Growing Workforce Opportunities, WIOA, and Employment Training Infrastructure.

CWI’s recommendations were formed based on the information and feedback gathered in these groups.

CWI recommends that the Governor:

  1. Request an annual GPR allocation of $3.14M for the Department of Public Instruction to expand a proven youth talent development system statewide between employers, public agencies, and K12 staff, its students, and families.
  2. Support programs to assist students in paying for materials associated with the apprenticeship program.
  3. Support flexible job training options along with employment-related support to maximize efficient use of resources to meet customers’ employment needs.
  4. Direct DWD to coordinate with the Wisconsin Broadband Office to focus resources on improving broadband expansion access in rural and underserved areas of Wisconsin to promote workforce development and effective labor market participation.

“I am pleased to present the Governor these four recommendations on behalf of the members of CWI,” Mark Tyler, CWI Chairperson said, “I believe that they reflect the time, input, and introspection of a diverse cross-section of Wisconsinites who are active in the workforce development space, engaged in their communities, and excited at the opportunity to help shape, prepare, and provide for the world of workforce here in our state. I would like to express my appreciation and thanks to all of our CWI members and DWD folks that support our efforts; the collaboration makes for a better outcome.”

To view the full report of CWI recommendations, visit:

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