Granton FFA Alumni and Supporters Hosting Annual Dairy Breakfast


From Cheryl Steinbach, Granton (For OnFocus)- Though things will look different and will not be the date and location originally planned, the Granton FFA Alumni and Supporters Dairy Breakfast is planned and set for Sunday, July 19, 2020.

The event will be a drive-thru only breakfast, held at the Granton Area Fire and Rescue station at 116 S Main Street. Cars will enter the breakfast at Maple street, place their orders at one stop, move forward to get their breakfast at another spot and then exit on to Hwy K/Main Street.

Granton Alumni President Annette Woller said, “Our dairy farmers are a vital part of our daily lives and celebrating our farmers is why we chose to do whatever we could to make this breakfast happen.”

The original breakfast was set for June at the Jim and Caroline Walter farm, but due to the pandemic, it was postponed. They wanted to host the breakfast this year because their daughter Hannah graduated. The Walter family has already volunteered to host the breakfast in 2022 when their other daughter Megan graduates.

Woller noted, “We knew keeping everyone safe was of the utmost importance to us. So, taking precautions was where we started and we built the breakfast from there.”

They will be following the guidelines of the Public Health Department and there will not be public restrooms provided. All customers will stay in their cars.

The breakfast will feature the same menu as in the past, including the special eggs so many people love. There will also be pancakes with real maple syrup and butter, made once again by Uncle Pancake. There will also be sausages, applesauce, cheese curds, ice cream and milk. The hot and cold items will be separated to ensure quality.

Serving will run from 7:00 AM until 12:30 PM and the cost of a breakfast is $7.00. People are asked to watch for signs and join the line on Maple street.

All proceeds of the breakfast are used to support the Agricultural Education department and Granton FFA chapter activities.

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News Desk
Author: News Desk

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