Greenwood School District Employee Placed on Leave as Complaint is Investigated


GREENWOOD, WI (OnFocus) – According to a statement released by the school an employee at the Greenwood School District has been placed on paid administrative leave and an investigation into a complaint filed against the employee is underway.

An email sent out to parents said the district placed the employee on paid administrative leave to protect the whole district.

“The District is taking this action to protect both the employee and the District’s students and staff,” the email said.

The action comes after a complaint had been filed and justifies an investigation. The district did not provide details on what the complaint was about or what is being investigated.

An attempt to reach out to the district was met with the same statement that was given to parents. District Administrator and grades 7-12 Principal Todd Felhofer did confirm that the Clark County Sheriff’s Department is investigating the matter.

The district warned parents that this was precautionary while the investigation is carried out.

“Placing the employee on paid administrative leave does not mean that the District has pre-judged the complaints – it simply reflects the fact that a complaint has been filed, the complaint justifies an investigation and everything needs to be placed on hold while the merits of the complaint are investigated,” the statement said. “The fact that we are taking this action does not indicate the complaint has, or does not have, merit.”

The school stated it will have no further comment until the investigation has been completed. This is a developing story and more updates will be given as they are released.

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News Desk
Author: News Desk