Held Hostage by Heroin: Naloxone, A Life-Saving Medicine


Held Hostage by Heroin: Drug-Free School Polices

A Marshfield Clinic Center for Community Outreach and Marshfield Area Coalition for Youth column (Submitted to FOCUS)

In 2016, Wisconsin reported 827 overdose deaths. Communities can eliminate this statistic by being prepared. Naloxone (Narcan®) is a life-saving overdose prevention medicine. This medicine can be injected intravenously or sprayed up the nasal passageway to reverse symptoms associated with an opioid-related overdose. These symptoms may include drowsiness, slowed breathing or unconsciousness.  Remember to always call 911 first before administering Naloxone.

Get the facts:

  1. Wisconsin’s Good Samaritan law protects the victim (under certain circumstances) and the person seeking medical help for the victim from drug possession charges.
  2. You do not need a prescription to purchase Naloxone. You can purchase this medicine at your local pharmacy.
  3. Naloxone does not have a potential for abuse or overdose.
  4. This medicine does not work in the absence of opioids.

Learn how to recognize the signs of an overdose and how to administer this life-saving medicine. Join us for an Overdose Prevention Training on Tuesday, March 6 at Center City Church: The Orbital building. Dinner will start at 6 pm with one-hour training to follow. Childcare will be provided. Please RSVP by contacting MCHS Center for Community Outreach, 715-221-8400. Free doses of Naloxone will be distributed to participants.

Marshfield Area Coalition for Youth (MACY) is helping make Marshfield the best place to live and raise a family. MACY’s Drug Task Force is striving to reduce and prevent prescription drug abuse and heroin use. MACY is supported by Marshfield Clinic Health System Center for Community Outreach and more than 200 members representing over 35 organizations in Marshfield.

Ask Marshfield Police Department

Question: Why does law enforcement carry Naloxone?

Answer: Law enforcement officers are often the first on scene to incidents involving opioid overdose. In the City of Marshfield, Emergency Medical Staff (EMS) generally arrives shortly after, but in places such as, rural Wood County, EMS may be several minutes away.  Law enforcement can give life-saving doses to individuals before EMS arrives. As brief as that time may be, it can make a difference in saving a life

The growing drug culture, law enforcement is also faced with synthetic opioids, such as fentanyl. This poses significant risks to law enforcement. Fentanyl is a narcotic drug that can be absorbed through the skin or become air born and inhaled causing an overdose. By carrying Naloxone, officers can reverse the effects of overdose if they become exposed.

Schedule a MACY Drug Task Force presentation or submit “Ask Marshfield Police Department” questions to Marshfield Clinic Health System Center for Community Outreach at 715-221-8400 or email [email protected].


News Desk
Author: News Desk