Held Hostage by Heroin: What are Prescription Painkillers?


Held Hostage by Heroin: What are Prescription Painkillers?

A Marshfield Clinic Center for Community Outreach Column

Prescription painkillers are opioids used to reduce pain and are prescribed by medical professionals to help patients with severe pain or pain that lasts a long time. When prescription painkillers are taken as prescribed, they are relatively safe and can reduce pain effectively. However, any use can lead to addiction.

Common prescription painkillers are: Oxycodone, hydrocodone, morphine, codeine, fentanyl, hydromorphone, meperidine, oxymorphone, tramadol, buprenorphine, and methadone.

How are prescription painkillers abused?
People abuse prescription painkillers by:
Taking someone else’s prescription.
Taking a prescription to get high.
Taking a prescription in a way other than prescribed, such as taking more than prescribed, more often than prescribed, or another route than prescribed.

Marshfield Area Coalition for Youth (MACY) is working to make Marshfield the best place to raise a family. MACY’s Drug Task Focus is striving to reduce and prevent prescription drug abuse and heroin use. MACY is supported by Marshfield Clinic Center for Community Outreach and more than 200 members representing over 40 organizations in Marshfield.

Ask an officer: Can I anonymously report drug activity, crimes?
Question: How can I anonymously report suspicious actively for illegal drug and alcohol use as well as other crimes?

Answer: You can use the Wood County Crime Stoppers tip line by:
Call 1-877-325-7867
Text keyword WCCS and your message to “CRIMES” (274637)
Visit the Website: www.woodcountycrimestoppers.com
Visit us on Facebook: www.facebook.com/WoodCountyCrimeStoppers

Schedule a MACY Drug Task Force presentation or submit “ask an officer” questions to Ashley Normington, Marshfield Clinic Center for Community Outreach at 715-221-8421 or email [email protected].

News Desk
Author: News Desk