Help Decide Winner of Marshfield Utilities Holiday Lights Contest

Branden Bodendorfer Photography

Help decide the winner of Marshfield Utilities’ (MU) first annual Holiday Lights Contest. The three finalists for 2020 are:

-Phil Nennig, 1105 S Cedar Ave
-Dave & Dorothy leonard, 1707 S Lincoln Ave
-Geraldine & James Altmann, 11959 Rainbow Ridge Rd


The idea to host a lights challenge was spearheaded by MU’s Human Resources Director Melissa Barnes.

“We actually received a magazine that sells professional quality light displays. After looking at that I thought it would be fun to do a contest for our customers,” said Barnes. “There are so many beautiful displays around the Marshfield area and they always bring me joy when I see them. I figured let’s find a way to share that joy a bit more.”

Wanting to incorporate an element of giving, MU chose to have prizes be in the form of MACCI gift certificates, which can be used to shop locally.

“Those businesses are our customers and it is more important than ever to help support shopping locally!” said Barnes. “The second piece to giving back then was to find a way to add a donation that will stay local. We decided to make a pledge for every entry into the contest.”

MU will be donating $10 for each entry, with a total of 25 entries and a donation of $250. The donation will be divided between Marshfield Area Pet Shelter (MAPS) and Rotary Winter Wonderland.


“We really hope to grow this event in future years. We would love to get other businesses to make pledges and would hope to see double the number of entries next year!” said Barnes. “One of the hardest parts of this event was voting. We had so many great displays submitted it was hard to narrow it down to three.”


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News Desk
Author: News Desk

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