Horse Trainer Moves to Rescue Animals Before Tornado


When Mike Hansen noticed the wind pick up at his property in the Village of Bruce in Rusk County, him and his wife sprung into action to protect their animals out in the pasture.

The professional horse trainer was in his house when he noticed an approaching funnel cloud and moved to rescue his animals by bringing them into their stalls. A short time later, Hanson was still in the arena when high winds tore off sections of the roof.

The National Weather Service confirmed the tornado moved through that area on Monday evening shortly after 7:20 p.m.

Many residents lost power at the time of the storm and the local fire department worked to removed downed trees to it could be restored. The Hansens said their power was restored shortly after 11 p.m.

While shaken up by the incident, the family is thankful it wasn’t more tragic.


News Desk
Author: News Desk

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