MARSHFIELD, WI (OnFocus) – On Sunday at 1:41 PM, Wood County Sheriff’s Department responded to a 2-vehicle traffic crash near the intersection of CTH Y and CTH H in the Town of Auburndale. According to family members, one of the children involved passed away at the scene and three of the children are still in critical condition.
How to Help the Bottensek Family
A GoFundMe has been set up for the family here. “My sister Krista Bottensek and 8 of her children were in a horrific accident on June 5, 2022. One of the children passed away at the scene and three of the children are still in critical condition, fighting for their lives in the hospital,” wrote Melissa Haynes. “With the hospital being a good distance from their home, there are a lot of traveling and lodging expenses that will have to be taken care of, as well as burial expenses. Dan, Krista, and all of the children could use all of the prayers and any financial support they can get at this time.”
A benefit account for the Bottensek family has been opened at the Bank of Mauston. There are branches at Necedah, Mauston, New Lisbon, Lyndon Station and Wisconsin Dells. If you make a donation, please let them know it’s for the Bottensek family account.
A candlelight prayer vigil will take place in the Marshfield hospital parking lot on Tuesday, June 7 at 7:00 pm (by Ronald McDonald House). The family is asking for as many people as possible to show up to pray if they can, or simply just to pray for this family.
A Lemonade Stand has been organized by classmates of the Bottensek’s, with proceeds benefiting the family. It will take place on Wednesday, June 8 from 3:30-5:30pm at Necedeh Schools and feature lemonade, root beer, popsicles, cookies, and raffle baskets.
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