How to Keep Your Dog Calm During July 4th Fireworks

keep dogs calm july 4th

MARSHFIELD, WI (OnFocus) – More pets go missing on July 4th than any other day of the year, which is why Pet Supplies Plus is encouraging pet owners to be prepared this holiday weekend.

“Even a pet that is normally calm and stays by their humans can become terrified and run away when they hear a loud noise like fireworks,” said Kim Crawford, Store Team Lead in Marshfield. “The best option is to leave your pet at home or in a safe space when the festivities start.”

If a dog is especially nervous with loud sounds, there are additional precautions pet owners can take to keep them calm and safe.

“Many dog owners find ‘Thundershirts’ to be effective,” said Crawford. “These compress the dog’s body slightly, making them feel comforted and secure. There is also ThunderSpray which has a soothing effect on dogs.”

These are available in-store, along with leads, collars, and tags.

“If you are going to take your pet with you this holiday weekend, be sure that their tags are up-to-date with current contact information. We can help with that, as well as supply quality leashes and collars,” said Crawford. “Microchipping is also a great idea! Talk to your local vet or shelter about options.”

Other tips to keep dogs calm on July 4th:

  • Create a safe and familiar spot for your dog where they can relax (and not escape)
  • Stay with your dog and remain calm yourself
  • Play music or white noise
  • Keep curtains closed
  • Take your dog for a walk beforehand so they are more tired and calm
  • Provide distractions like a new toy or treats
  • Massage your dog to relax them

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