How to Register to Vote


The mid-term election is November 6, and here’s what you need to know about voting:

Who is eligible to vote? 

Any US Citizen, 18 years or older who has resided at the address provided for at least 10 consecutive days immediately preceding this election, with no present intent to move is eligible to vote. Cannot be convicted of a felony for which the terms of sentence have not been satisfied. Not otherwise disqualified from voting, which means the right, to vote has not been taken away by a court of law.

What is needed to register to vote? 

Proof of residency – the voter would complete a EL-131 which they can get online here and fill out. Proof of residency can come in many different forms. The most common are Driver’s License, Utility Bill, Paycheck Stub, Bank Statement, or Government Document.  Any of these items need to have the name and the address of the voter on them.

Who would I register with? 

Depends on the timeframe. We are currently in the “late registration period’, which means the 20 days preceding an election. The only way to register during this time frame is at the office of their Municipal Clerk. If they cannot go there, they can appear at their polling place on Election Day and register. Prior to the 20 days before an election, they can mail in their Voter Registration Form and their Proof of Residency and become registered.

When do I have to be registered by for the next election? 

The deadline to register to vote is 5:00 p.m. on the Friday before the election. After that time, election day itself is the next time a person can register to vote.

Someone who is turning 18 before the fall election, when can they register to vote? 

When they turn 18.

Are there any links that we can include if people have more questions? is a website with a wealth of information. A person can find their polling place, look at who will be on their ballot at the election, see who their elected officials are and how to contact them, request an absentee ballot, see their voting history, and more!

How would people contact the County Clerk office if they have any questions? 

Call Trent Miner at 715-421-8460 or email at [email protected]

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News Desk
Author: News Desk