How to Safely Dispose of Pharmaceuticals in Marshfield

prescription drugs takeback

Marshfield Police Department’s Prescription Take Back Program Addresses Safe Disposal of Pharmaceuticals

MARSHFIELD, WI (OnFocus) – As many people seek to organize their homes and dispose of unnecessary items as part of New Year’s Resolutions, the public is reminded that Marshfield Police Department offers a convenient Prescription Take Back Program. This initiative, in collaboration with the Marshfield Groundwater Guardians volunteer group, aims to educate the public on the proper disposal of old prescriptions, vitamins, and medications.

The Marshfield Groundwater Guardians, a dedicated volunteer group established in 2005, recognized the potential environmental hazards associated with improper pharmaceutical disposal. Their mission to safeguard the community’s water sources led to the creation of the Prescription Take Back Program, an initiative that encourages individuals to dispose of unused medications in an environmentally responsible manner.

It is widely acknowledged that flushing pharmaceuticals down toilets or drains poses a threat to water quality, as conventional wastewater treatment methods are often unable to remove these substances effectively. To address this issue, the Prescription Take Back Program offers a convenient solution for residents to safely discard old prescriptions, vitamins, and medications.

While national initiatives designate specific days each year for prescription take-back events, the Marshfield Police Department extends the opportunity for drop-offs 24/7 throughout the year. Residents can visit the police department at 110 W 1st Street at any time to dispose of their pharmaceuticals discreetly and without the need for an appointment.

The process is simple – if the office staff is unavailable, individuals can use the phone in the lobby to contact an officer, ensuring a seamless and anonymous drop-off experience. The program operates on a no-questions-asked basis, prioritizing community safety and environmental well-being.

The Marshfield Police Department encourages all residents to participate in the Prescription Take Back Program, contributing to the collective effort to protect the community’s water sources and promote a healthier environment.

For more information about the Prescription Take Back Program or to inquire about other community initiatives, please contact Marshfield Police Department at their non-emergency number (715-384-3113) or via email.

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