Car Show Collects Donations for Food Pantries, Cancer Research
Marshfield, WI (OnFocus) Hub City Days enjoyed great weather and strong attendance this past weekend.
Saturday’s car and bike show brought in close to 600 vehicles, according to organizer Rodney Feltz. In lieu of a registration fee, vehicle owners were encouraged to bring a food donation for the pantries. Enough food was collected to fill a van, he said.
Cars came from all over the state, the furthest one arriving from Minnesota, a testament to the show’s reach.
“Everybody dreams of being able to get a car show this size, and Marshfield has it,” said Feltz. “There’s tons of people who come and say this is the best car show they’ve been to.”
A total of 46 volunteers made sure things ran smoothly. Judges awarded over 80 trophies, including categories like Best Work in Progress and Rattiest Rat.
Feltz is proud of being able to show appreciation for veterans by giving away free apparel and hats, and holding an exciting raffle of Milwaukee tools. This year, nearly 190 veterans participated, almost double from last year.
“I never was in the military, but to me it’s a big deal. I’ve had several friends who come to the car show who said they can finally get their dad to come, because of the raffle,” said Feltz.
Close to $2,700 was raised during the show for Cruise for a Cause, an ongoing breast and prostate cancer fundraiser started by Dan Neve, who last year donated over $80,000 to the Marshfield Clinic for research.
Funds were collected through a 50/50 raffle, which contributed $950 toward the cause, plus a Milwaukee tool raffle, an auction, and t-shirt sales. Neve brought three mustangs for display, which he drives to events around the country.
Feldtz and his family plan to continue organizing the car show and already have a list of things they can improve for next year. For him, the best part of the show is seeing the fun that car owners have while participating and the passion they bring to the show.

“This is their day to talk, show off their car,” he said. “When you watch that, you can never stop doing it.”
Other Hub City Days activities were organized by Main Street Marshfield and included a historic street dinner which also commemorated the American Legion’s 100th anniversary, and a talent show, family fun zone, and Saturday night performance by Johnny Wad.