Interview: Wood County Board Member Donna Rozar Running for 69th Assembly District


Donna Rozar Candidate for the 69th State Assembly

(OnFocus) Wood County Board Member Donna Rozar has announced her candidacy for the 69th Assembly District seat left by former Representative Bob Kulp, who did not seek re-election. Rozar will run as a Republican.

Rozar was first elected to the Wood County Board in 2000 and first moved to Marshfield in 1988. She is part of the cardiac medical/surgical unit at Marshfield Medical Center and is retiring from her position on the faculty at the University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire College of Nursing Health Science in Marshfield later this May.

“I have seen the changes in the issues that are of importance to people,” Rozar said.
County government is the arm of the state, so county government can’t do anything unless the state, in essence, gives us permission to do that, and so I have learned about state issues over the 20 years that I’ve been on the County Board.”

Rozar said road funding is an important concern. “We have to come up with a good way to fund our transportation infrastructure because we need our roads to move people and goods,” she said.

“We’ve got to come up with a better way to finance how we keep our transportation. I understand that because we’ve bonded for some highway maintenance in Wood County
because we’re not getting the transportation aids that we need from the state, so participating in that discussion at the state level, knowing the effect of those discussion on local municipalities, I think will be a real interesting thing for me to participate in.”

Connect with Rozar at her official Facebook campaign page or leave a message at 715-387-8121 to share topics of concern.

“I want to be the voice of the people. I can’t be the voice of the people if I don’t know what the people care about,” she said. “I want to get out and find out what are their
concerns, what would they like a state representative to do in Madison.”

Interview: Stratford Police Chief Tim Miller Running for 69th Assembly District

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Author: News Desk

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