Jean Doty Honored as Parks and Recreation Volunteer of the Year

Parks and Recreation Director Justin Casperson and Volunteer of the Year Jean Doty.

Marshfield native Jean Doty received the honor of Volunteer of the Year by the Parks, Recreation and Forestry Committee for her extensive volunteerism.

Doty considers herself to be a “professional volunteer” and has served on many boards and committees which have shaped the future of Marshfield.

“I had the pleasure of working with Jean when she led the Volunteer Services Department at St. Joseph’s Hospital,” said John White, Chairman. “It’s no surprise to me that Jean stayed involved in the community after retirement, working tirelessly to be an advocate for Marshfield’s Senior citizen population. Her willingness to donate so much of her free time creating a welcoming culture, while ensuring our seniors have proper facilities and programs have made our community a better place to live. We congratulate Jean for a well-deserved award.”

“I know there’s other people who are probably totally worthy of this award, but I appreciate getting it,” said Doty upon receiving the honor.

One of her most memorable experiences was chairing the Library and Community Center Steering Committee. To that role she brought her passion of providing a new home for seniors where they could have a comfortable place to socialize, avoid isolation and loneliness, and enjoy activities that stimulate the mind and spirit, a goal fulfilled with the creation of the 2nd Street Community Center.

Doty made a lot of friends serving ten years on the Senior Center Council. Currently, she serves on the UW-Stevens Point at Marshfield’s Passion for Adult Learning Committee, Marshfield Area Respite Center Board, Personal Development Center’s Sheltering Hearts fundraising committee and the City’s Committee on Aging. She also volunteers with the Aging and Disability Resource Center of Central Wisconsin.

During her 18 years as Volunteer Services Director, Doty spent lots of time recruiting, retaining, and recognizing over 500 volunteers. Each month she would write 20-30 thank you notes and sent countless birthday and sympathy cards. Every year, 100 awards were given to volunteers who had reached milestones in their service. It was in that role that Doty became an advocate for senior citizens since they made up most of her volunteers.

Doty graduated from UW-Stevens Point at age 39 and has returned to higher education today as a part-time program assistant at the Continuing Education office at UW-Stevens Point at Marshfield.

When she’s not volunteering, Doty enjoys being “Vice-Queen Mother” of her Red Hats group, playing ukulele and shooting pool, basket-weaving, planning fun parties, and simply having a good time with friends and family.

News Desk
Author: News Desk

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