June Dairy Breakfasts Go Drive-Thru


Marshfield (OnFocus)- June Dairy Month is not over yet, and the Dairy Farmers of Wisconsin are still hosting various drive-thru’s and fundraising events.

These events are a great way to help support your local Dairyland and dairy farmers and to sample some of the best locally-produced delights.

This Saturday, June 27th, is a busy day with two drive-thru dairy breakfasts and two fundraisers hosted by the Wisconsin FFA Alumni.

The Auburndale FFA Alumni’s 32nd Annual Dairy Drive Through Breakfast is this Saturday from 8 AM to 12 PM at the Auburndale Fire and Rescue.

The 39th Annual Colby Dairy Breakfast will be on Sunday, June 28th from 7:30 AM to 12 PM at the Colby Lion’s Shelter and is hosted by Colby FFA Alumni and AbbyColby Crossings Chamber of Commerce.

The Juneau County Dairy Promotion Council is hosting a Dairy Breakfast Drive-Thru this Saturday from 8 AM to 11 AM at Cattail Dairy Farms in Wonewoc, WI.

The Wisconsin FFA Alumni is also hosting June Dairy Month Fundraisers on Saturday in Lomira and Onalaska.

All events will be social distancing and sanitizing. For a full list of events, go to https://wisconsindairy.org/national-dairy-month.


News Desk
Author: News Desk

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