Kailey’s Kandles Brings Inspiration to Downtown Marshfield


MARSHFIELD, WI (OnFocus) – A local business that has not only provided joy and wonderful, aroma-filled products to its customers, but provided inspiration to many will be opening a new store in downtown Marshfield.

Already a single-mother of five, it was 2014 when Kriss Schmitt learned she would be having a fifth blessing. Throughout the pregnancy, she was updated by doctors on a condition that her newborn was developing while in the womb.

Kriss was told that her baby had hydrocephalus, a buildup of fluid in the brain, and potentially other medical needs.

Kriss had to make the decision to go through with the pregnancy and give birth to Kailey despite the struggles Kailey might experience in life and said that was one of the hardest things she’s had to do.

“We didn’t know. We didn’t know if she’d make it to birth,” Kriss said. “We didn’t know if she’d make it after birth.”

Kailey’s Kandles offers candles that are soy-based which helps extend the life of the candle and uses essential oils which helps keep air fresh without harmful chemicals. Some of the scents, branding and ideas come from Kriss’s kids and she said the creativeness that they show is really rewarding for them when they see the finished product.

Kriss used to make the candles out of her home but now, will be opening up a store at 111 West Second Street in Downtown Marshfield. She said there is a lot of work to be done but they plan to be open in May of 2022.

Kriss has recently met with the owners of the building Howard Properties and Development to get started on projects that will spruce up the property.

The growing company serves as something that Kailey will always have: a company that is named after her and pays tribute to her life.

If interested in reading more about Kailey’s story or Kailey’s Kandles, visit them on Facebook or check out their website.

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News Desk
Author: News Desk

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