Karen Spindler Missing in Marshfield, Has Dementia


UPDATE 8:36 PM – Karen was found alive! Read about it here.

UPDATE: 8:15 PM – From Marshfield Police Department: We are still searching for Karen Spindler, using bloodhounds, drones, lifelink helicopter, and many gracious volunteers…please check your basement, garage, property including ponds or pools if you are in the southeast part of Marshfield. If you are out of town and left your house unlocked, please notify dispatch at 7153874394 and we will check it for her. Thank you all for sharing and helping!

2:00 PM
Please help Marshfield Police Department locate Karen Spindler. She is 75 years-old and has dementia. She left 2711 S. Apple Ave. Last seen wearing black pants and a pink long sleeve shirt with white shoes. Karen has gray hair and had it up in a ponytail.

Call 715-387-4394 if you see her.

News Desk
Author: News Desk

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