KC Hall Hotel Project Not Moving Forward


Marshfield, WI (OnFocus) The Hampton Inn & Suites at 400 W. Upham Street will not being moving forward, the realtor for the property confirmed.

The $5.2 million, 86-room Hampton Inn & Suites hotel was originally planned for construction this year. In January, the Common Council denied the creation of TIF District #12 which would have granted developer Prairie Lodging, LLC a $750,000 incentive, paid back through its property taxes over a 20-year period, to develop on the property. The creation of the TIF District would also have helped the City pay for improvements up to a 1/2 mile radius.

Despite the decision, the developer initially decided to move forward without the incentives. Prairie Lodging, LLC asked for a reconsideration of the TIF District without special assessments at the March 12 meeting of the Common Council, a decision which was delayed until the Council received a specific plan from a business for the property, rather than forming it in advance.

The decision was one of the factors in the developer deciding not to move forward with the project. “There were several reasons, but that was one of them, the TIF not going through,” stated Rita Blenker, Century 21.

Other hotel developers that expressed an interest in the site have not stepped forward. Prairie Lodging, LLC is not likely to move forward with a location in Marshfield.


Hotel Moving Forward Without City Incentives

New Details Released on Hotel Project at KC Hall Property


KC Hall to be Demolished for Hotel


Hotel Conditional Use Request Approved at Plan Commission

Common Council Reconsiders TID #12 Creation for KC Hall Hotel Project

News Desk
Author: News Desk

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