“Keep The Wreath Green” Campaign Sees First Red Bulbs


Campaign Aims to Raise Awareness of Fire Dangers During Holiday Season

The winter season brings with it new fire dangers. More than one-third of home fires occur during the months of December, January, and February. Largely due to an increased use in heating systems, cooking, and holiday decorations, fortunately, most fires and injuries are preventable.

In an effort to promote fire safety and to educate the community on fire safety tips during this dangerous time of year, Marshfield Fire & Rescue, along with other departments in Wood County, participate in the “Keep the Wreath Green” campaign.

“This awareness campaign is something we have participated in since its inception,” said Marshfield Fire & Rescue Chief Scott Owen. “It is organized through the Wood County Fire Chief’s Association and the goal of the program is to bring fire safety awareness to our citizens.”

At the beginning of the campaign on Thanksgiving (November 23), a Christmas wreath with green lights was hung outside of Marshfield Fire & Rescue. Each time there is a fire incident in Wood County, a red light will replace a green light on the wreath.

The wreath also features one non-green light that has a deeper meaning. We have one white light bulb on top of the wreath to honor and remember the fallen firefighters, including our fallen firefighter, Lt. Marvin (Marv) Strohman, who died in the line of duty on January 4, 1981 The goal is to have all green lights remaining at the end. The campaign runs through December 31.

“We hope the program reminds people to take the extra step to remember fire safety this holiday season,” said Owen. “In addition to the wreath, departments will promote fire safety throughout the holidays and to share fire safety tips tips on various social media accounts and websites.

There are several ways to practice fire safety during the holidays. These include:

  • Watching candle usage
  • Keeping open flames away from combustible materials (wood and paper)
  • Limiting the use of extension cords (try not to overload electrical outlets and use power strips with surge protection in place of extension cords).
  • If you have a real Christmas tree, keep it watered so that it does not become too dry

Sherry and Arpin are the first departments to add red bulbs to the wreath this holiday season. Sherry had a machine shed fire Saturday Dec. 3, in which Auburndale was called for aid. No other information was available.

Arpin had a call Sunday, December 10, for a chicken coup on fire. The coup was five feet from a pole shed. The chicken coup was a total loss, and about twenty chickens died. The pole shed next to it sustained minimal damage.


News Desk
Author: News Desk