Keeping Your Home Safe While You’re Away

home safety

MARSHFIELD, WI (OnFocus) – For many people, the holiday season involves traveling. Fairway Mortgage offers several tips on how to keep your home safe while you are gone.

“With so many items to check off your to-do list, it is important to ensure your home is safe while you are away,” said Josh Kilty, Fairway Mortgage. “It’s always best to plan ahead so nothing goes awry while you and your family are out of town.”

Kilty said to consider the suggestions below to make your home better protected when you are away:

Mail and newspapers: Ask a trusted neighbor to keep watch over your home while you are gone. Have a neighbor also retrieve your mail and newspapers so these items don’t accumulate. An overflowing mailbox or pile of untouched newspapers is a sure sign that your home has been empty for several days. To place a temporary “stop” on your mail, go to or request it at your local post office.

Indoor and outdoor lights: Nothing makes a home seem lived in quite like having lights turned on inside. Use a timer for both indoor and outdoor lighting systems. Set the timer for indoor lights to come on in the evening so it will appear someone is home. This outlet timer and this digital timer are among several options that Amazon offers.

Doors and windows: It may go without saying, but make sure that all doors and windows are locked. Additionally, check your deadbolts. Once deadbolts reach 10 to 15 years of age, they become weaker and much easier to kick in. For extra window protection, put dowel rods inside the window frames to give them more strength.

Curtains: While it may seem like a good idea to close your curtains so people can’t peer into your home, it is best to leave curtains as normal. Noticeable changes can hint that nobody is home, especially if the curtains are left closed for an extended period of time. Closed curtains also block the view of neighbors, law enforcement officials, and others who might need to help.

Pipes: To avoid water damage from busted pipes or appliances, consider turning off your water supply while you are away from home. To be certain that all the water is drained out of the pipes, open the faucets after the water supply has been cut off.

Security system: Activating a security system in your home while you are out of town is not only a method of alerting officials if there is a break-in, but it is generally a good deterrent of crime. Security systems can be installed professionally or on your own.

“I want you to have a safe and happy holiday,” said Kilty. “By using these tips to ensure your home is in the best possible shape when you return, you can enjoy yourself without having to worry while you are away.”

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