Kevin Stueland Named Ascension at Home’s High-Five Award Recipient

Kevin and wife, Amber

Submitted to OnFocus – Kevin Stueland, Pharmacist, Ascension at Home Infusion was honored with the third quarter HIGH FIVE Award. 

In order to be nominated, a person has to meet consistently the following: You must apply exceptional interpersonal skills with patients, families, peers, or colleagues. You must demonstrate mutual trust, respect and emotional support to all, you must make a significant difference and create a sense of community, generate enthusiasm and energy and finally you must listen not only with your ears, but also with your heart.

HIGH FIVE Award recipients are celebrated for their continuous support of our mission, role-model behavior and compassionate presence in the work place.

HIGH FIVE winners are chosen by a committee of colleagues from various departments and agencies. These nominations are submitted by associates, patients or patient families throughout the Ascension at Home agencies in Wisconsin.


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