Last Push to Support Colby Cheese as State Symbol


(OnFocus) It’s the last push to support making Colby cheese the official Wisconsin state cheese.

“Today is the day where lawmakers make final considerations for bills to be considered for a floor vote,” said Colby resident Matthew Oehmichen, who has testified in support of the bill. “To move it out of committee, the Colby cheese bill must be moved to executive order.”

To show support for Colby cheese as a state symbol, email or call Representative Tauchen for bill AB572, Senator Stroebel for bill SB519, and Speaker Robin Vos.

“We are America’s Dairyland, and we need an icon that no other state could have, for we are so great at what we do we have — our own original cheese, an American original,” said Oehmichen. “It’s more than just cheese, it’s a representation of all that is best about being a Wisconsinite; call them today!”

The bill, if passed, would add Colby cheese to the Wisconsin Blue Book alongside other state symbols, including the state song, bird, and tree.


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Local Testifies in Support of Making Colby Cheese the Official State Cheese

Senate Considers Making Colby Cheese the Official State Cheese


News Desk
Author: News Desk

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