Law Enforcement to Mobilize on Summer Driving Offenses


Local Agencies to Coordinate Efforts to Prevent Traffic Accidents

The Wood County Sheriff’s Department, Marshfield Police Department, and other area agencies are combining efforts to crack down on speed, seat belt, and reckless driving offenses this summer with a zero tolerance policy, according to a release.

These driving offenses cause the majority of fatalities related to traffic accidents. Speed was the top traffic law conviction in Wisconsin last year with 171,000 convictions, and speed-related crashes killed 155 people on state roadways.

Enforcement efforts will be directed towards State Highways 13, 54, and 73 during periods of high traffic when accidents become more likely. The first coordinated enforcement date will occur June 26.

Wood County agencies remind motorists to slow down, buckle up, and help make summer travels safer Wisconsin.


News Desk
Author: News Desk

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