Leadership Marshfield Class of 2017 Presents Projects


Leadership Marshfield Class of 2017 Project Presentations

The purpose and objective of Leadership Marshfield is to identify current and potential leaders in the community and provide a training program that will enhance their ability to function as more effective leaders. They will be better equipped to face the issues, problems, and challenges that will determine our community’s future.

Leadership Marshfield is a program of the Marshfield Area Chamber Foundation supported by the Leadership Council, volunteers, Chamber staff, and a strong Alumni network.

MACCI’s first Leadership Class graduated in May 1993. This 2017 class was recruited in the summer of 2016. Members participate in a series of eight informative one-day programs and develop group projects designed to meet each individual’s interests and community needs.

Community Project

The purpose of the community project is to provide participants with an additional educational experience beyond the monthly sessions. Participants select their projects after learning about opportunities confronting the community and according to their interests.

Participants are expected to gain the following from the community project:

  • Experience in community problem solving and issue resolution;
  • Knowledge about a community organization while seeking resolution of a problem or issue;
  • Experience in working effectively in a group setting;
  • Knowledge that they can make a significant contribution to the well-being of the community;
  • An opportunity to demonstrate leadership.

The Leadership Marshfield Class of 2017 presented their group projects to their class on April 16 at Marshfield Community Television studios. See the video above, and read a description of each project below.

Career Closet
A Little Gala For a Big Cause
Marshfield Elementary Recycling Project
Movies in the Park
Hannah Center Playground

News Desk
Author: News Desk