Letter Carrier Food Drive Sets Record Numbers Locally


MARSHFIELD, WI (OnFocus) – The National Association of Letter Carriers (NALC) conducted its annual national food drive on Saturday, May 14. Local carriers helped collect food on all mail routes in Marshfield, Spencer, Stratford, Auburndale, Hewitt, and Chili.

“I thought the Food Drive this year went well considering the cost of food and fuel rising so much these past few months. It was very nice to see so many people help out those in need in our communities,” said Al Lalicata, NALC Br. 978 President & Food Drive Coordinator.

Though some offices saw a decrease in donations, the Neillsville office set a new record of 6,007 pounds of food collected.

“Hunter Cook was coordinating the efforts over there and did a fantastic job getting the message out to his community. And they responded in a huge way,” said Lalicata, adding that the Food Drive means a lot to local carriers and local managers.

“It’s the one day a year we can really make a difference for our community,” he said. “The timing of our Food Drive is also very important because kids are getting out of school soon and those meals that they had at school are going to disappear in the summer it’s vital that the pantries get replenished so they can keep getting good meals until schools back in session.”

Lalicata wishes to thank his fellow carriers and local managers for their hard work and commitment to the community.

“I’d also like to thank Cheryl and her volunteers over at Soup or Socks. They spent countless hours sorting and dating the food we bring in so that their pantry and St. Vincent De Paul’s can easily get the food into the hands of those that need it,” he said.

Food collection totals are:

Marshfield & Auburndale
8,022 pounds

6,007 pounds

673 pounds

568 pounds

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