Letter to the Editor: Jake Brunette for Clark County Circuit Court Branch 2

letter to the editor

Submitted to OnFocus:

“I am endorsing Jake Brunette for Clark County Circuit Court Branch 2. My years of working with Attorney Brunette in service to Clark County left me with a lasting respect for his unwavering commitment to legal compliance and his diligent research invested into his legal counsel. Attorney Brunette’s knowledge of Wisconsin Statute, his experience in examination and analysis of case law, and his respect for precedence and Supreme Court opinions are qualities that would serve the community well. Attorney Brunette’s attributes of personal integrity, preparedness, judicial demeanor, are most appropriate for service on the bench and I have the utmost confidence in Attorney Brunette’s ability to provide the community consistent, fair and equal application of the law.

Clinton Langreck

Former Clark County Administrative Coordinator and Personnel Manager”

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